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TOP Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the opening hours of the customer service?
  • How long are the products in my shopping cart reserved?
  • Is there a limit on my wishlist?
  • Why did the amount of my shopping cart change before the check out?


  • Our shipping process.
  • I didn't receive a shipping confirmation.
  • I want to ship my order to an alternative address.
  • There are items missing in my order.
  • I received the wrong article.
  • I did not receive my order.
  • I filled in the wrong address.
  • I would like to return my order.
  • The status of my Track and Trace remains unchanged, what should I do?
  • My order is stated as delivered according to the Track & Trace, but I have not received it.


  • Can I return or exchange a product?
  • If I want to return something, do I have to pay the return cost myself?
  • How long will it take for my return to be processed?
  • How do I get my money back after returning my products?

Ordering Process

  • I haven't received a confirmation email, what should I do?
  • How can I cancel my submitted order?
  • How can I change my submitted order?
  • When will I receive the shipping details of my order?
  • My order has been canceled by Little Wonderland, what happens now?

Product related

  • What is a preorder?
  • I have doubts about my product (expiry date, quality of the product).
  • The product I wish to order is sold out, when will it be back in stock?
  • How do I read the date on the packaging?
  • How do I know for sure if the ingredients are up to date?


  • How am I able to contact you?
  • Availability of our customer service: how long should I wait for an answer?


  • My order is incomplete, what should I do?
  • I have a complaint, how do I report this?
  • I received a defective product, how do I report this?

Discount codes and promotions

  • Can I combine multiple discount codes?
  • How can I collect Wonder Points?
  • I created an account after placing an order, will I get the Wonder Points?
  • How do I add Wonder Points / gift card to my order?
  • Where can I find my earned Wonder Points?
  • I signed up for the newsletter but haven't received a discount code

LW gift card

  • How do I add the LW gift card to my order?
  • I received several LW gift cards, can I combine them?
  • Do you offer gift cards? Where can I find them?

General Questions

  • Why doesn’t customer support answer my question right away?
  • Is there a limit on my wishlist?
  • How long are the products stored on my shipping cart?
  • A product is sold out, when will it be back in stock?
  • Where is my shopping basket?

Do you have a suggestion? Let us know!

LW Store opening hours

Open from 10:30 until 18:00
Monday12:00 - 18:00
Tuesday10:30 - 18:00
Wednesday10:30 - 18:00
Thursday10:30 - 18:00
Friday10:30 - 18:00
Saturday10:30 - 18:00
Sunday12:00 - 17:00